Tag Archives: Everett

Get To Know A Leader: Allison Everett

Allison Everett

Occupation:  Student

Claim to fame/honors/family:  My cousin is the world champion for the Rubik’s Cube

Bet you didn’t know…: When I was little I would carry snakes around in my pockets.  Typically, I would have a snake in one pocket and a frog in the other.

This always makes me cry:  Military homecoming videos

Words to live by: “This life is not about me.  This life is about what God wants to do through me.” ~my granddad J

When I have free time I like to: Spend time with my family and play board games….we get very competitive.

Person who would play me in a movie:  Emma Watson

Favorite Book or food or restaurant:  Favorite Food: chocolate peanut butter ice cream! Or any kind of pasta J

Favorite Smell:  The ocean

Person you would love to trade a day with: A world traveler. OR someone taller so that I can reach the kitchen cabinets.

Whose mind would you like to read?  Elisabeth Elliot

Something in the world you would like to change: human trafficking

A skill or talent you wish you had:  To be fluent in several languages

One thing you would ask of Jesus when you meet Him?  I understand spiders are necessary, but do they have to be so creepy?

What are on the walls of your bedroom?  A couple dozen pictures from mission trips.

Favorite Movie or Musical Artist:  Hillsong United & Tenth Avenue North